As members of a new transportation industry, our staff and management would
like to thank you for purchasing your ZAPPY Power-Assist Scooter. As in many
recreational activities, accidents can and do occasionally occur. It is for this rea-
son that we specifically bring the following points to your attention. We ask that
you read each point carefully and ask questions of our staff if you do not clearly
understand any particular point addressed.
1) I have received the owner’s manuals and agree to read them thoroughly,
especially the safety warnings, before using ZAPPY. I understand that all rid-
ers should wear a bicycle helmet whenever riding a Power-Assist Scooter.
Please initial ___________
2) I understand that a Power-Assist Scooter is subject to all the laws of the road,
and that many states and localities have additional laws which specifically
apply to Power-Assist Scooters.
Please initial ___________
3) I understand how the following Power-Assist Scooter’s parts work: brakes,
quick release mechanisms (seatpost and handlebars), and ZAPPY’s controls.
Please initial ___________
4) I am aware that riding a Power-Assist Scooter involves certain risks, dangers,
and hazards which can result in serious personal injury or death. I hereby
freely agree to assume and accept any and all unknown risks of injury while
using the ZAPPY Power-Assist Scooter.
Please initial ___________
5) I understand that regular maintenance is required to keep this Power-Assist
Scooter operating properly and that failure to maintain it may void the manu-
facturer’s warranty and may make the Power-Assist Scooter unsafe. Regular
maintenance includes frequent inspection of all quick release mechanisms
and wheel retention devices. I also understand that maintaining appropriate
tire pressure at all times is essential for the safe use of this Power-Assist
Scooter. The recommended tire pressure is 36 psi.
Please initial ___________
6) By initialing each item on the above checklist, I have indicated my complete
understanding of these points, and I acknowledge my responsibilities regard-
ing the contents. I also agree to explain the points on this checklist to anyone
besides myself who will be using the Power-Assist Scooter now and in the
x__________________________________ ______________
Buyer’s Signature Date
Buyer’s Name (Print)
If buyer is under 18 years of age, the buyer’s guardian must sign.