The ZAPPY's braking system consists of a band brake on the rear wheel. The brake is activated by squeezing
the brake lever located on the handlebar. When applying the brakes it is important to release the throttle switch
to deactivate the ZAP motor.
Brakes are designed to control your speed, not just to stop the scooter. Maximum braking force occurs at the
point just before the wheel locks-up (stops rotating) and starts to skid. You need to practice slowing and stop-
ping smoothly without locking up a wheel. Practice braking where there is no traffic or other hazards and dis-
tractions. Locking up the wheel will prematurely wear out the tire.
Everything changes when you ride on loose surfaces or in wet weather. Tire adhesion is reduced, so the wheels
have less cornering and braking traction and can lock up with less brake force. Moisture or dirt on the brake
surface reduces its ability to grip. The way to maintain control on loose or wet surfaces is to reduce speed.
Your brake may squeak before it fully breaks in. This is normal and will not affect the function of the brake.
With continued use the squeak should go away.
Properly adjusted, you can apply full braking force at the lever without having the brake lever pull all the way
to the handlebar.
With use it is normal for the brake cable to stretch and the outer casing to compress. Minor adjustments to
the cable tension can be made with the barrel adjuster on the brake lever. Turning the barrel adjuster clock-
wise will loosen the brakes. Turning the barrel adjuster counter-clockwise will tighten the brakes. If the brakes
are binding, inspect the brake line for any kinks
or sharp turns. Handlebar adjustments can affect
the brake adjustment; if the handlebars have
been raised too high, the brake cable will bind at
the brake lever (refer to Fig. 9). DO NOT
For significant changes in the cable tension, the
brake cable can be adjusted by re-positioning the
brake cable at the cable anchor bolt located on
the band brake (refer to Fig. 10). This adjust-
ment should only be made by a qualified ZAP