Instruments and controls
Power sunroof (option)
Open positions
Sunroof controls are located in the headlin-
ing. The sunroof can be operated in two dif-
ferent ways:
• Raise/lower trailing edge – ventilation
• Rearwards/forwards – opening position/
comfort position
The ignition key must be in position I or II.
1. Closing, automatic
2. Closing, manual
3. Opening, manual
4. Opening, automatic
5. Opening, ventilation position
6. Closing, ventilation position
Ventilation position
Open: Press the rear edge of the control (5)
Close: Pull the rear edge of the control (6)
Switch from ventilation position to comfort
position: pull the control rearwards to its end
position (4) and release.
1. In comfort position, the sunroof is not
completely open in order to reduce
the level of wind noise.
If there are children in the car:
Remember to switch off the supply to the
sunroof (remove the ignition key) if the
driver leaves the car.