: Explains the system outline.
: Indicates values or explains the function for reference during troubleshooting.
: Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of the parts in the system circuit.
Example: Part A (Power Window Master SW) represents code P4 on page 21 of the manual.
* The letter in the code is from the first letter of the part, and the number indicates its order
in parts starting with that letter.
Part is 4th in order
Power Window Master SW
Example: P
: Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of Relay Block Connectors in the
system circuit.
Example: Connector 1 is described on page 16 of this manual and is installed on the left side of the
instrument panel.
: Indicates the reference page showing the position on the vehicle of J/B and Wire Harness in the system
Example: Connector 3B connects the Cowl Wire and J/B No. 3. It is described on page 14 of this
manual, and is installed on the instrument panel left side.
: Indicates the reference page describing the wiring harness and wiring harness connector (the female
wiring harness is shown first, followed by the male wiring harness).
Example: Connector D1 connects the front door RH wire (female) and cowl wire (male). It is described
on page 26 of this manual, and is installed on the right side kick panel.
: Indicates the reference page showing the position of the ground points on the vehicle.
Example: Ground point C is described on page 24 of this manual and is installed on the cowl left side.