Points of Interest10.
Points of Interest
Points of Interest or POIs are useful places on the map. Here are some
• Restaurants
• Parking garages
• Gas stations
Showing POIs on the map
1. Tap Show POIs on map in the Preferences menu.
2. Select the POI categories to display on the map.
Tap Find to search for a POI by name.
3. Tap Done.
The POIs you have selected are shown as symbols on the map.
Navigating to a POI
You can use a POI as your destination. For example, if you are traveling to an
unfamiliar city, you could choose a POI to help find a parking garage.
1. Tap the screen to bring up the main menu.
2. Tap Navigate to... in the Main Menu.
3. Tap Point of Interest.
4. Tap POI in city.
5. Narrow your choice of POIs by selecting the area where the POI is located.
You can select one of these options:
• POI near you - to choose from a list of POIs near to your current location.
• POI in city - to find a POI in a particular town or city.
• POI near Home - to choose from a list of POIs near to your Home location.
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