• Decide if you want to share your corrections with others.
• Show or hide the report button in the Driving View.
To set your preferences, select Map corrections in the Main Menu.
Tip: If you later decide you want to remove corrections from the map, clear
the checkbox next to the types of corrections you want to remove. If you clear
all the checkboxes, your map returns to the original state before the first cor-
Accepting map corrections
You can set the type of map corrections you want added to your map. To do
this, tap Correction preferences in the Map corrections menu.
There are four levels of corrections that you can choose. The level changes
when you move the slider:
• TomTom - only accept changes made by TomTom.
• Trusted sources - accept changes made by TomTom and by trusted users
who have been verified by TomTom.
• Many users - accept changes made by TomTom, by trusted users who have
been verified by TomTom and changes made by a high number of Map
Share community members.
• Some users - accept changes made by TomTom, by trusted users who
have been verified by TomTom and all changes that have been made by
Map Share community members.
Types of map correction
There are several types of correction that you can make to a map.