length of the file, folder, or playlist name.
Long names also take up more space on
the display, potentially getting cut off.
• Finalize the audio disc before you burn it.
Trying to add music to an existing disc
may cause the disc not to function in the
Root Directory
The root directory of the CD-R is treated
as a folder. If the root directory has com-
pressed audio files, the directory is dis-
played as F1 ROOT. All files contained
directly under the root directory are
accessed prior to any root directory fold-
ers. However, playlists (Px) are always
accessed before root folders or files.
Empty Directory or Folder
If a root directory or a folder exists some-
where in the file structure that contains
only folders/subfolders and no compressed
files directly beneath them, the player
advances to the next folder in the file struc-
ture that contains compressed audio files.
The empty folder does not display.
No Folder
When the CD-R contains only compressed
files, the files are located under the root
folder. The next and previous folder func-
tion does not function on a CD-R that was
recorded without folders or playlists. When
displaying the name of the folder the radio
displays ROOT.
When the CD-R contains only playlists and
compressed audio files, but no folders, all
files are located under the root folder. The
folder down and the folder up buttons
search playlists (Px) first and then goes to
the root folder. When the radio displays the
name of the folder the radio displays
Order of Play
Tracks recorded to the CD-R are played in
the following order:
• Play begins from the first track in the first
playlist and continues sequentially
through all tracks in each playlist. When
the last track of the last playlist has
played, play continues from the first track
of the first playlist.
• Play begins from the first track in the first
folder and continues sequentially
through all tracks in each folder. When
the last track of the last folder has
played, play continues from the first track
of the first folder.
When play enters a new folder, the display
does not automatically show the new folder
name unless the folder mode was chosen
as the default display. The new track name
File System and Naming
The song name that is displayed is the
song name that is contained in the ID3 tag.
If the song name is not present in the ID3
tag, then the radio displays the file name
without the extension (such as .mp3) as
the track name.
Track names longer than 32 characters or
four pages are shortened. Parts of words
on the last page of text and the extension
of the filename displays.
Preprogrammed Playlists
Preprogrammed playlists that were created
using WinAmp
, MusicMatch
, or Real
software can be accessed,
however, they cannot be edited using the
radio. These playlists are treated as spe-
cial folders containing compressed audio
song files.
Playing an MP3
(in either the DVD or CD slot)
Insert a CD-R partway into either the top or
bottom slot, label side up. The player pulls
it in, and the CD-R should begin playing.
Depending on the format of the disc, a
softkey menu appears and allows naviga-
tion of the disc. The menu reads left to
right as RDM (Randomize song play
order), a Folder icon with left and right
arrows (to move up or down through avail-
able folders), a PL tag if the disc has a
Playlist available, and a Music Navigator
tag. If a Playlist tag is shown, toggling this
key brings up a Folder softkey only or the
menu as previously described.
If the ignition or radio is turned off with a
CD-R in the player, it stays in the player.
When the ignition or radio is turned on, the
CD-R starts to play where it stopped, if it
was the last selected audio source.