Piston skirt O.D.
Measure the piston skirt O.D. with outside micrometer, if out of the
service limit, replace it.
b) Piston pin bore to piston clearance
Separately measure the piston pin bore I.D and O.D. with inside micrometer and outside micrometer. Then
calculate clearance by measuring results.
c) Piston-cylinder clearance
Difference between the diameter of cylinder maximum and piston skirt should be considered as
piston-cylinder clearance.
Check with piston converting in the cylinder, and inserting feeler between piston skirt bearing face and
wall, then pull the feeler out, if feeling resistance and smoothly out, the thickness of the feeler shall be
considered as piston-cylinder clearance.
NOTICE: This clearance must be checked before and after repairing.
d) Piston ring side clearance
. Check with placing each ring into each-self groove.
. The piston ring should be freely turned without loosening and sticking.
. Then measure with inserting feeler into clearance of the ring between groove
upper and lower face.
Standard Service limit
67.971-67.989mm 67.850mm
Standard Service limit
0.006-0.018mm 0.060mm
Standard Service limit
0.011-0.049mm 0.120mm