Wayfinder Mobile MapGuide™16
Wayfinder Mobile Navigator™ 17
Appendix 1 – Get Started
In order to get started and use the Wayfinder Mobile MapGuide
the first time you
need to activate the service. Please follow the step-by-step instructions below.
1. Install the Wayfinder Mobile MapGuide™ Software
When you purchased your Wayfinder Mobile MapGuide
you had the opportunity
to download and install the software. If you have not downloaded and installed the
software on your phone you need to do it.
In order to install the software via PC you need either:
• SyncStation
• Bluetooth sender/ receiver on your PC as well as PC Suite installed
• IR sender/ receiver on your PC as well as PC Suite installed.
• An email account with incoming POP-server configured on your
mobile phone
1. Go to www.wayfinder.com/shop and select the Wayfinder Mobile
2. Click on
Download Software
3. Follow the instructions in order to download the software to your PC and
then transfer them to your mobile phone.
4. After completing the installation on your phone proceed to Step 2 -
Activate the Service
Upgrade to Wayfinder Mobile Navigator
If you already installed Wayfinder Mobile MapGuide
you are able to upgrade to
Wayfinder Mobile Navigator
without installing any new software. Purchase the
activation code for Wayfinder Mobile Navigator
from one of our dealers and
shops that you find listed on www.wayfinder.com or directly from the Wayfinder
Shop (www.wayfinder.com/shop) and activate the service (see Step 2 - Activate
the Service)
If you already downladed and installed the software, please
proceed to step 2.