Wayfinder Mobile MapGuide™10
Wayfinder Mobile Navigator™ 11
Favorites consist of your saved destinations, companies, contacts and places.
Synchronize Favorites with MyWayfinder.com,
e.g. all changes done at MyWayfinder.com are
downloaded to your Wayfinder Mobile
MapGuide™ and all changes done in Wayfinder
Mobile MapGuide™ are uploaded to your personal
navigation homepage
Add the current or other position as a new
Favorite details
The detailed information about the selected Favorite is presented in the Favoite
Details view.
Set the Favorite as the origin of the route
Set the Favorite as the destination of the route
Show the destination on a map
Edit: Change name and description of the
selected Favorite and save
Delete Favorite
Conveniently you could easy add and modify your Favorites at MyWayfinder.com and
access them both in your phone and on MyWayfinder.com by synchronization.