5.3.1 Calibrating the positioner
To calibrate the positioner, proceed as de
scribed in section 4 of EB 8331-2 EN.
5.3.2 Simplest method to calibrate
the actuator
If tools such as the TROVIS-VIEW software,
PC etc. are not available for calibration of
the actuator and the actuator operation with
maximum precision is not necessary, the
simplest calibration method can be per
formed as follows:
1. Position the selector switch (2) to operat-
ing mode 0 =.
2. Press down the travel calibration button
(5) for at least 15 seconds until both sig-
nal lamps light up.
3. Release the button to start calibration.
The actuator stem extends until the
torque-dependent switches switch off the
The position of the potentiometer is
4. Re-adjust the potentiometer, if neces
sary, while observing the signal lamps.
Refer to the description given on
page 14 of EB 8331-2 EN.
After adjusting the potentiometer, the
calibration of the actuator is continued.
Mount the actuator on the valve and set
the positioner as described in section
4.3 of these instructions.
22 EB 8331-1 EN
Retrofitting additional electrical equipment