Polaris A07TH50AU Offroad Vehicle User Manual

5. Remove cotter pin, lower ball joint nut and A-arm from
ball joint.
6. Pull the hub and strut assembly out and pull the drive-shaft
out of the hub.
7. Remove the roller pin from the front prop shaft. Use the
Roller Pin Removal Tool (PN 2872608).
8. Remove bolts securing the bottom of housing to the skid
plate frame. Bolts and fluid drain plug are accessible
through the skid plate.
9. Remove vent line.
10. Remove the front gearcase from left side of frame, pulling
both the remaining CV shaft and propshaft from the
gearcase. Replace the circlips on the CV shaft ends prior
to reassembly.
Disassembly / Inspection
1. Drain and properly dispose of used oil. Remove any metal
particles from the drain plug magnet.
Front Gearcase Removal
Remove 4 Bolts