General Maintenance
Oil Filter
The oil filter should be
changed annually or every
1000 miles (1600 km).
Inspect oil line condition at
1000 miles (1600 km).
Polaris oil filters are specially
designed for use on Polaris
products. We strongly recom-
mend the use of only Polaris
replacement parts. See page
66 for oil recommendations.
EDGE models use an oil filter that's built into the oil sending unit
located in the bottom of the oil tank. After changing the oil filter, bleed
the oil injection system of all trapped air. See your dealer for instruc-
tions, or have your dealer perform the filter change and bleeding opera-
tion for you.
NOTE: The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of flow through
the filters.
Water Pump Belt Inspection
Some liquid cooled models require
inspection of the water pump belt at
1500 miles (2400 km). Inspect belt
width (✪) and condition, and
replace if cracked or worn past the
width service limit (.250I / 6.35
mm). New belt width is approxi-
mately .345I (8.75 mm). See your
Polaris dealer if the belt needs to be