Rear Shock Body
Lubricate rear shock body threads
seasonally with a low-temperature
synthetic grease.
Driveshaft Bearing
This model has sealed bearings that
require no additional lubrication.
Chaincase Oil
Check and change the chaincase oil at the intervals outlined in the
Periodic Maintenance Table beginning on page 88. Maintain the oil
level at the top of the fill plug hole. POLARIS recommends the use of
Synthetic Chaincase Lubricant. See page 137 for the part numbers of
POLARIS products.
Oil Level Check
1. Position the snowmobile on
a level surface.
2. Remove the fill plug.
3. Using a funnel, slowly add
the recommended oil until
the fluid begins to overflow.
4. Clean the area with a clean,
dry shop towel.
5. Reinstall the fill plug.
Torque: 6-10 ft-lbs (8-13 Nm)
Fill Plug