Periodic Maintenance Schedule (Cont.)
Item Hours or
Frequency Remarks
Fuel System 100 hours 12 months Check for leaks at fuel cap, lines, fuel
valve, filter, pump and carburetor. Re-
place lines every two years.
J Fuel Filter 100 hrs 12 months Replace annually
J Carburetor Float Bowl 50 hrs 6 months Drain bowl periodically and prior to stor-
Idle Speed As Required As Required Adjust
J Throttle Cable 50 hrs 6 months Inspect–adjust, lubricate, replace if nec-
essary; pre-ride inspection item
Choke (Enricher) Cable 50 hrs 6 months Inspect–adjust, lubricate, replace if nec-
Coolant/Level Inspection Daily Daily Replace engine coolant every two
Coolant strength/pressure test
100 hrs 6 months Inspect strength seasonally; pressure
test system annually
Radiator 50 hrs 12 months Inspect/clean external surface
Cooling System hoses 100 hrs 12 months Inspect
Spark arrestor 100 hrs 12 months Clean out
Recoil housing As required As required Drain moisture out after driving in water
" General Lubrication 30 hrs 3 months Lubricate all fittings, pivots, cables, etc.
" Front hubs/fluid check (AWD) 50 hrs 6 months Check monthly
" Front hubs/fluid change (AWD) 100 hrs 12 months
" Front Gearcase Oil 100 hrs 12 months Check monthly and change annually
" Transmission Oil Level 25 hrs Monthly Inspect monthly; change annually
Shift linkage 50 hrs 6 months Inspect, adjust
J Shift selector box 200 hrs 24 months Change lubricant every two years
J Drive belt 50 hrs 6 months Inspect–adjust, replace if necessary
J Clutches (drive and driven) 100 hrs 12 months Inspect, clean
J Steering 50 hrs 6 months Inspect daily, lubricate
J Toe adjustment As required As required Periodic inspection, adjust when parts
are replaced
" Front Suspension 50 hrs 6 months Inspect–lubricate, tighten fasteners
" Rear Suspension 50 hrs 6 months Inspect, tighten fasteners
J Front wheel bearings 300 hrs 36 months Replace
Battery 20 hrs monthly Check Terminals/clean/check fluid level
Headlight Aim As required As required Adjust if necessary