Mercury 2007 Automobile User Manual

Fuse Amp
Power Distribution Box
14 Not used
15 20A* Ignition main
16 15A* A/C clutch
17 20A* Power point
18 30A* Injectors, COP (Coil-on-plug)
19 40A** Climate control blower
20 40A** Cooling fan #1
21 40A** PCM power
22 40A** SJB power (Passenger
compartment fuse box) power #1
23 40A** SJB (Passenger compartment fuse
box) power #2
24 50A** BSCM #1
25 50A** Power Steering Control Module
(PSCM) #1
26 50A** TBCM (high voltage battery)
cooling fans and jump start
27 40A** Cooling fan #2
28 40A** Rear defroster, Heated mirrors
29 20A** Heated seats
30 40A** SJB (Passenger compartment fuse
box) power #3
31 50A** BSCM #2
32 50A** PSCM #2
001 Relay Power sustain for PCM, TBCM
and Transaxle Control Module
002 Relay PCM power
003 Relay Injector
004 Relay Auxiliary coolant pump
005 Relay Motor/Electronic coolant pump
006 Relay Foglamps
2007 Mariner Hybrid (mhv)
Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)
USA (fus)
Roadside Emergencies