Controls in detail
Audio system
Multisession CDs
For multisession CDs, the first session
type of the CD determines how the audio
system will process the CD.
For example, if the first session type is ac-
cording to the audio CD standard and the
second session type is according to the
data CD standard containing MP3 tracks,
the audio system will treat the CD as a con-
ventional audio CD. This means that it is
only possible to access the audio CD
tracks. Access to the MP3 tracks is not
Similarly, if the first session type is accord-
ing to the data CD standard containing
MP3 tracks and the second session type is
according to the audio CD standard, the
audio system will treat the CD as a data
CD. This means that it is only possible to
access the MP3 tracks. Access to the au-
dio CD tracks is not possible.
File structure on a disc
When you create an MP3 disc, the MP3
tracks can be organized in folders. A folder
can also contain other folders. A disc can
contain a maximum of 255 folders. Each
folder can contain a maximum of
255 tracks and 255 folders. A disc can
contain a maximum of 4000 tracks. Usual-
ly this number will not be reached because
each minute of an MP3 track requires ap-
proximately 1 MB of storage space.
Track and folder names
When you create an MP3 disc, you can as-
sign names to the MP3 tracks and folders.
The audio system uses these names for
the corresponding display in MP3 mode.
Empty folders or folders which contain
data other than MP3 tracks are not dis-
played by the audio system.
If MP3 files are saved in the root directory
itself (uppermost directory on storage me-
dium), the root directory will also be treat-
ed as a folder. The audio system will then
show the name of the root directory as the
folder name.