Magellan ROADMATE 1470 GPS Receiver User Manual

Viewing Product Information
1. From the Main Menu screen, tap the Settings icon.
2. Tap Product Information.
(Note: Scroll down the page to view the Serial Number and Software Version.)
Enabling Traffic
This option is used when you want to turn traffic off. (Traffic information is available only after purchasing and
installing the Traffic Link accessory.)
1. From the Main Menu screen, tap the Settings icon.
2. Tap Traffic.
3. Checking Enable Traffic allows the receiver to display received traffic information.
Showing All Traffic Events or only Traffic Events along your route.
This option is used to set whether you see all traffic events or only those along an active route. (Traffic
information is available only after purchasing and installing the Traffic Link accessory.)
1. From the Main Menu screen, tap the Settings icon.
2. Tap Traffic.
Tap the Traffic Events button in the middle of the Traffic Options screen.