Case dimensions: 4.00” W x 7.00” H x 3.00” D
Voltage: 12-24 Volts AC or DC
Current: 10 mA typical, 150 mA maximum
Outputs: Relay #1
Form “C” 5 Amps @ 24 Volts maximum
Relay #2
Form “C” 1 Amp @ 24 Volts maximum
Solid state outputs (Outputs #3 & #4)
Short-to-common 100 mA
@ 24 VDC maximum
Frequency: 318 Mhz ± 500 KHz @ 23°C
318 MHz ± 1 MHz -30°C to +65°C
RF 3db Bandwidth: 4 MHz Typical
Sensitivity: -95 dBm Minimum
Encoding: Linear MegaCode
Temperature: -22°F to 149°F (-30°C to 65°C)
Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing
This Linear product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for twelve (12) months. The Warranty Expiration
Date is labeled on the product. This warranty extends only to
wholesale customers who buy direct from Linear or through Linear’s
normal distribution channels. Linear does not warrant this product
to consumers. Consumers should inquire from their selling dealer
as to the nature of the dealer’s warranty, if any. There are no
obligations or liabilities on the part of Linear corporation for
consequential damages arising out of or in connection with use
or performance of this product or other indirect damages with
respect to loss of property, revenue, or profi t, or cost of removal,
installation, or reinstallation. All implied warranties, including
implied warranties for merchantability and implied warranties for
fi tness, are valid only until Warranty Expiration Date as labeled on
the product. This Linear Corporation Warranty is in lieu of all
other warranties express or implied.
All products returned for warranty service require a Return Product
Authorization Number (RPA#). Contact Linear Technical Services at
1-800-421-1587 for an RPA# and other important details.
217350 D IMAGE 19