Havis-Shields KK-100-03 Automobile Accessories User Manual

1. Remove clear shrink-wrap covering from
prisoner transport assembly.
2. This is the 3
compartment, 40 section
3. Remove all black hardware, wood fillers,
and brackets holding assemblies.
4. Remove bolts holding the kit to the wood
5. With all hardware removed the remaining
sections should match the sub-assemblies on
the following pages
1. Remove clear shrink-
wrap covering the
prisoner transport
2. This is the rear 40/60/or
80 section of the kit.
3. Remove all black
hardware, wood panels
and brackets holding
wood panels.
4. Remove bolts
holding the kit to the
wood pallet.
5. With all hardware
removed the remaining
sections should match
the sub-assemblies on
the following pages