BT-359 GPS
Power Jack
The mini-USB is a power jack that lets allows you to connect to either a DC vehicle charger or an AC
charger home/office charger for re-charging the internal Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. The voltage input
into the BT-359 must be 5VDC (01.6 A) center positive connector. You can also use the USB
interface cable to charge directly from your PC’s USB port. (The USB interface can only be used for
charging the GPS receiver’s battery and cannot be used to transfer data.) Upon powering your new
BT-359 GPS receiver for the first time it may require as much as 6 hours to fully charge, thereafter
charging times may be reduced. The built-in regulator will prevent your battery from being
overcharged, however it is always best to unplug the GPS receiver from the charger after charging has
completed and not to leave it connected for extended periods of time..
Status LED Functions
PowerStatus LED(Red/Yellow):
Red ---- Battery power iscriticallylow. (chargeimmediately)
Yellow ---- Batteryis currently charging .
LED off---- Battery is charged (partial orfull).
GPS Status LED (Green):
Blinking ----GPS position isfixed (GPS signal isbeing received)
Steadylight ----GPS position isnot fixed (no GPS signal)
Bluetooth Status LED (Blue):
Blinking (Slowly) ---- Notconnected toa Bluetooth device.
Blinking (Quickly) ---- Connected to aBluetooth device.
Auto Shut-Off (Power-Saving Mode)
To conservebattery life, whenever the GPS receiver does notdetecta Bluetooth signalfor over10 minutes, the BT-
359 willautomatically shutoff, butonly when operating from it’sinternal Li-ion battery.
If connectedto an external power source (AC or DCcharger), then the BT-359 willremain on.
We strongly suggestthat youfirst test your USGGPS with the included GPS Info utility programto confirm thatthe
GPS receiver if functioning properly on yourPC and that you have successfullyconfigured the right COMPort
setting. Once this has beendone, close theGPS Info programand start your application for COMport
NOTE: Bydefault, your PCwill not allow you torun multiple applications from asingle COM port. Itis important that
you close anypreviouslyopened GPS application before switching toanother GPS application asthe GPS receiver
and data willnot befoundby the newprogram.
There are special utilities available to split data into multiple COM ports for useby more thanoneapplication
simultaneously. (see: http://franson.com/gpsgate/ )
Mini-USB Power Port
(not for data transfer)