BT-359 GPS
7. FAQ’s
What is thedifference between theBT-359W and theBT-359S?
There is no difference between these two models with exception to the cosmetic faceplate used. The “W” is a radio
wave patter,while the“S” has the appearance ofa solar cell. Internallytheyare the same device.
I am notgetting GPSdata into myapplicationon myWindows PC.
1. Check your DEVICE MANAGER to confirm the COMPort number assigned to theGPS. Thenbe sure
this is thesameCOM port number configured in your application.
2. Be sure your Baud rateis configuredcorrectly at:
Baud Rate: 38400
Data bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control:None
3. Configure the GPS Infoutility with thecorrect COM Portand test your GPS receiver first before using it
in your application.
Will the GPSworkwith other Street Mapping software?
GlobalSat GPS receivers provides standard NMEA data formapping software to useand convert tocoordinates
and should work wellwith most anyNMEA compliant software onthe markettoday.
How accurateis the GPS?
The Gloablsat GPSis WAAS/EGNOScapable, andfor units sold inNorth America through authorized resellers,
these units areWAAS/EGNOS enabled unless otherwise stated. Accuracy can bebetween 1~5meters 2D RMS
withWAAS enabled and10-15 meters 2D RMSWAAS disabled
What is idealGPS environment?
The GPS requires anopen, clear view ofthe sky. Buildings, covered parking areas,tunnels anddense foliagecan
cause the GPS receiver to beunable to get alocationfix.
If youare parked in acovered parking lotornear atall building, itis recommended that youdrive away until you
have aclear viewof the sky before using theGPSreceiver. You may need togive theGPSa fewminutes tofind or
get afix its location.
How do Iknow ifthe GPS isON?
If yourPC is onand the COM portwas configured properly,theGPS receiveris onand receiving thestreaming
GPS data. This can beverified byopening your mapping software program. In addition, the GlobalSat GPS has a
built-in LEDstatus indicator thatshows thefollowing:
LED OFF: GPSreceiver is off(no power).
LED ON (solid): Nofix, searching for GPS signals.
LED FLASHING: Position fixestablished and GPSsignals are being received.
Whydoes the GPS notwork near buildings andother tall objects?
The GPS usessatellites in thespace tofindoutwhere itis. Therefore itneeds a clearview ofthesky. Tallbuildings
and other objects that block thereceiver’s view tothe skymake itinfeasible todetermine your location. Sometimes
the satellites arenot overhead but nearthe horizon. In these cases theGPS must have aclear view of thehorizon.
Please allow an adequate amount of timefor theGPS receiver’s boot-up (TTF) tocomplete before contacting
Technical Support.