Active Lock/Arm and Unlock/Disarm
Tap button (I) for 0.5 seconds to lock/arm and unlock/disarm. If your vehicle is locked, tap
button (I) to unlock; if your vehicle is unlocked, tap button (I) to lock.
IMPORTANT: If the alarm has been triggered (Siren is going off), you must wait until the remote pager
has been paged before disarming the alarm – the first button tap will shut off the alarm and the second
will unlock/disarm the system.
Passive Lock/Arm
The system can be configured to passively lock and arm the vehicle. Put the system in
passive by taping buttons (II+III) simultaneously for 0.5 seconds. The remote will beep once
and the passive icon will illuminate to indicate the system is in passive lock and arming
While in passive mode, the system will lock and arm the alarm 30 seconds after the last door is closed.
As an indicator that the vehicle is going to passively lock and arm, the remote and siren will chirp once
and the parking lights will flash once at both 10 and 20 seconds prior to passively locking and arming. If
you want the system to passively arm and not passively lock, ask your local CompuStar dealer to turn
Option 1-8 to setting II.
Automatic Transmission Remote-Start Function
Press button (II) for 2.5 seconds to remote-start an automatic transmission vehicle. If you are in range
and if the vehicle is ready to remote start, the remote will beep once and the CompuGLO backlight will
light up to indicate that the remote-start command has been successfully transmitted.
If you are in range and the remote beeps three times, there is a remote start error. Refer to the “remote
start error diagnostic” on page 18 of this manual for details.
Upon receiving confirmation that your vehicle is running, the LCD will flash the exhaust icon
and the clock icon will begin to show the amount of run-time remaining. The remote-start run-
time can be programmed for 15, 25, 45 or 3 minutes - ask your local CompuStar dealer to
adjust Option 2-7 if you would like a run-time other than 15 minutes (default).
IMPORTANT: Your vehicle’s key must be inserted into the ignition and turned to the “on” position prior
to driving your vehicle. If the foot brake is depressed prior to the key being in the “on” position, the
vehicle will shut off.
Manual Transmission Remote-Start Function (Reservation Mode)
In order to remote-start a manual transmission vehicle, the system must first be set in Reservation Mode.
Reservation Mode must be set each and every time you want to remote-start a manual transmission
vehicle. The purpose of Reservation Mode is to leave the transmission in neutral before exiting the
• The transmission must be left in the neutral position.
• The vehicles windows must be rolled up.
• The vehicles door-pins must be in working order.
• Do not install this remote-start on a manual transmission vehicle that has a convertible or
removable top.
• Do not set reservation mode or remote-start with people in the vehicle.