Brake Hoses
Inspection should be performed whenever the brake
system is serviced or at intervals specified. Inspect hy-
draulic brake hoses for surface cracking, scuffing or worn
spots. If there is any evidence of cracking, scuffing, or
worn spots, the hose should be replaced immediately!
Eventual deterioration of the hose can take place with
possible burst failure.
Clutch Hydraulic System
The clutch hydraulic system is a sealed maintenance-free
system. In the event of leakage or other malfunction, the
system must be replaced.
Clutch Linkage
If the clutch pedal linkage begins to squeak or grunt, the
clutch pedal pivot bushings should be lubricated. Refer
to Recommended Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts
for the correct lubricant type.
Propeller Shaft Universal Joints
Cross Type (No fittings) — Relubrication of this type of
universal joint is not required. The seals should be
inspected for external leaks or damage. If external leaks
or damage is evident, the universal joint should be
Rear Axle Fluid Level
Refer to Recommended Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine
Parts for the correct Fluid type. For normal service,
periodic fluid level checks are not required. When the
vehicle is serviced for other reasons the exterior surfaces
of the axle assembly should be inspected. If gear oil
leakage is suspected inspect the fluid level.
This inspection should be made with the vehicle in a level
position. The fluid level should be 3/4” ± 1/4” below the
plug on DANA M60 HD/248 mm rear axles.