Damage to the clutch can re-
sult from starting in 2nd or
3rd gear with a loaded ve-
hicle. Use each gear in nu-
merical order – do not skip a
For improved clutch life, all six forward gears should be
used. For steady highway driving with light acceleration,
6th gear is recommended. When shifting from 4th to 5th
gear, apply side effort away and forward without push-
ing hard enough to engage Reverse gear. Shifting from
5th to 6th requires the same side effort or the lever will
return to center resulting in a shift into 4th gear and
damage the transmission, clutch, or engine.
You should use low gear when starting from a standing
position if under a heavy load.
To shift into Reverse, come to a complete stop. Depress
the clutch and pause briefly to allow the gear train to
stop. Move the shift lever from the Neutral position
straight across and up into Reverse.
Never drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal, or
attempt to hold the vehicle on a hill with the clutch pedal
partially engaged, as this will cause abnormal wear on
the clutch.
Recommended Shift Speeds
To use your manual transmission for fuel economy it
should be upshifted as listed below. Shift at the vehicle
speeds listed for acceleration. Earlier upshifts during
cruise conditions (relatively steady speeds) will result in
increased fuel economy, and may be used as indicated.