Deluo Electronics
72 Gan 1970 -133 -321 50 International 1924 Republic of Maldives
73 Geodetic Datum 1949 84 -22 209 International 1924 New Zealand
Graciosa Base SW 1948 -104 167 -38
International 1924 Azores (Faial; Graciosa;
Pico; Sao Jorge;
75 Guam 1963 -100 -248 259 Clarke 1866 Guam
76 Gunung Segara -403 684 41 Bessel 1841 Indonesia (Kalimantan)
77 GUX 1 Astro 252 -209 -751 International 1924 Guadalcanal Island
78 Herat North -333 -222 114 International 1924 Afghanistan
Hermannskogel Datum 653 -212 449
Bessel 1841 (Namibia) Croatia -Serbia,
80 Hjorsey 1955 -73 46 -86 International 1924 Iceland
81 Hong Kong 1963 -156 -271 -189 International 1924 Hong Kong
82 Hu-Tzu-Shan -637 -549 -203 International 1924 Taiwan
83 Indian 282 726 254 Everest (India 1830) Bangladesh
84 Indian 295 736 257 Everest (India 1956) India; Nepal
85 Indian 283 682 231 Everest (Pakistan) Pakistan
86 Indian 1954 217 823 299 Everest (India 1830) Thailand
Indian 1960 182 915 344
Everest (India 1830) Vietnam (Con Son
88 Indian 1960 198 881 317 Everest (India 1830) Vietnam (Near 16øN))
89 Indian 1975 210 814 289 Everest (India 1830) Thailand
90 Indonesian 1974 -24 -15 5 Indonesian 1974 Indonesia
91 Ireland 1965 506 -122 611 Modified Airy Ireland
92 ISTS 061 Astro 1968 -794 119 -298 International 1924 South Georgia Islands
93 ISTS 073 Astro 1969 208 -435 -229 International 1924 Diego Garcia
94 Johnston Island 1961 189 -79 -202 International 1924 Johnston Island
95 Kandawala -97 787 86 Everest (India 1830) Sri Lanka
96 Kerguelen Island 1949 145 -187 103 International 1924 Kerguelen Island
Kertau 1948 -11 851 5
Everest (Malay. & Sing) West Malaysia &
98 Kusaie Astro 1951 647 1777 -1124 International 1924 Caroline Islands
99 Korean Geodetic System 0 0 0 GRS 80 South Korea
100 L. C. 5 Astro 1961 42 124 147 Clarke 1866 Cayman Brac Island
101 Leigon -130 29 364 Clarke 1880 Ghana
102 Liberia 1964 -90 40 88 Clarke 1880 Liberia
Luzon -133 -77 -51
Clarke 1866 Philippines (Excluding
104 Luzon -133 -79 -72 Clarke 1866 Philippines (Mindanao)
105 M'Poraloko -74 -130 42 Clarke 1880 Gabon
106 Mahe 1971 41 -220 -134 Clarke 1880 Mahe Island
107 Massawa 639 405 60 Bessel 1841 Ethiopia (Eritrea)
108 Merchich 31 146 47 Clarke 1880 Morocco
109 Midway Astro 1961 912 -58 1227 International 1924 Midway Islands
110 Minna -81 -84 115 Clarke 1880 Cameroon
111 Minna -92 -93 122 Clarke 1880 Nigeria
112 Montserrat Island Astro
174 359 365
Clarke 1880 Montserrat (Leeward
113 Nahrwan -247 -148 369 Clarke 1880 Oman (Masirah Island)
114 Nahrwan -243 -192 477 Clarke 1880 Saudi Arabia
115 Nahrwan -249 -156 381 Clarke 1880 United Arab Emirates
116 Naparima BWI -10 375 165 International 1924 Trinidad & Tobago
North American 1927 -5 135 172
Clarke 1866 Alaska (Excluding
Aleutian Ids)
North American 1927 -2 152 149
Clarke 1866
laska (Aleutian Ids East
of 180øW)
North American 1927 2 204 105
Clarke 1866 Alaska (Aleutian Ids
West of 180øW)