Deluo Electronics
4.1.7 VTG – Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
Outputs actual track made good and speed relative to the ground.
Output Rate
Programmable using EverMore Binary Message 0x8E and 0x8F.
Field Name Example Unit Description
1 Message ID $GPVTG VTG protocol header
2 Heading 000.0 degree xxx.x
Heading of the receiver when moving
Leading zeros transmitted
3 True T Indicates true heading
4 Heading 003.3 degree Degrees magnetic
Magnetic course over ground, 000 to 359
Leading zeros transmitted
5 M M Indicates magnetic heading
6 Speed 000.0 knots xxx.x
Speed in knots
Leading zeros transmitted
7 N N Indicates speed in knots
8 Speed 0000.0 Km/hr xxxx.x
Speed in km/hr
Leading zeros transmitted
9 K K Indicates speed in km/hr
10 Checksum *7E