Clifford Model RSX1.2 Automobile Alarm User Manual

© 2005 directed electronics—all rights reserved
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A control module
An XHF2 receiver/antenna
One 4-button 2-way remote
One 4-button remote
A in-vehicle status LED indicator light
A push-button Valet switch
Your warranty registration
A shut-down toggle switch
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Congratulations on the purchase of your 2-way remote start
keyless entry system. Due to the complexity of this system, it
must be installed by an authorized dealer only. Installation of this
product by anyone other than an authorized dealer voids the
warranty. All dealers are provided with a preprinted dealer certif-
icate to verify that they are authorized.
By carefully reading this Owner's Guide prior to using your
system, you will maximize the use of this system and its features.
You can print additional or replacement copies of this manual by
accessing our web site at