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02 Copyright © Hanmar Motor Corporation 2005
Home & Park Home & Park Motorhomes (A Division of HANMAR MOTOR CORPORATION).
Dealer Dealer or any wholesale buyer of recreational vehicles,authorized by Home & Park.
Vehicle Any recreational vehicle manufactured by Home & Park Motorhomes.
Purchaser Registered owner of the Vehicle and/or purchaser of the Vehicle.
Warranty Card Home & Park Limited Warranty Registration Card specifying Purchaser of Vehicle.
All vehicles are covered by a three part limited warranty: Automotive Warranty,Appliance Warranty,and Home &
Park Limited Motorhome Warranty.
It is very important that the Dealer complete the Home & Park Limited Warranty Registration, (at the bottom
of the “QualityCare”Pre-Delivery Report) on each Vehicle and fax it to Home & Park within 48 hours from the
date of retail delivery. Home & Park uses the information on the Limited Warranty Registration to:
1. Notify General Motors to start the automotive (chassis) warranty in the Purchaser’s name as of the
date of retail delivery.
2. Maintain records for the Home & Park Limited Motorhome Warranty and for any recall notifications.
If Home & Park does not receive this information, when the Purchaser tries to have automotive warranty work
done,the Purchaser, the Dealer and Home & Park will be severely inconvenienced until this information is received
and processed by General Motors.
The warranty currently offered by General Motors covers the manufacture of the Chevrolet chassis.
See the General Motors Warranty Information booklet for details.
For Chevrolet chassis sold through RV dealers,Home & Park uses the information on the completed Warranty Card
to notify General Motors to restart the automotive (chassis) warranty in the Purchaser’s name as of the date of
retail delivery.Upon receipt of the Warranty Card, Home & Park completes and mails the appropriate forms to
General Motors who in turn enter this information into their computer systems.This process can take up to 6 weeks
from when the Dealer mails the Warranty Card. If warranty work is required before this process is completed and
the Vehicle’s V.I.N. appears on the computer, the Purchaser should ask the Chevrolet dealer to enter the Purchaser’s
name and address and date of retail delivery into the computer.To prove the vehicle is still under warranty, the
Purchaser should show a copy of the bill of sale to the Chevrolet dealer.
If Home & Park does not receive the completed Warranty Card, when the Purchaser tries to have automotive
warranty work done,the Purchaser, the Dealer and Home & Park will be inconvenienced until this information is
received and processed by General Motors.