Capacities and Specifications
The following approximate capacities are given in English and metric conversions. See Recommended Fluids and
Lubricants on page 6-14 for more information.
English Metric
Air Conditioning Refrigerant R134a
For the air conditioning system refrigerant charge
amount, see the refrigerant caution label located
under the hood. See your dealer/retailer for more
Cooling System
3.6L V6 Engine (VIN Code 7) 10.3 qt 9.7 L
3.6L V6 Engine (VIN Code V) 10.6 qt 10.0 L
6.2L V8 Engine — Cooling System 13.4 qt 12.7 L
6.2L V8 Engine — Intercooler Cooling System 3.2 qt 3.0 L
Engine Oil with Filter
3.6L V6 Engine 6.0 qt 5.7 L
6.2L V8 Engine 6.0 qt 5.7 L
Fuel Tank 18.0 gal 68.1 L
Transfer Case — AWD 1.1 qt 1.0 L