ADSL X6v User Guide
Setting Description
Port The Ethernet Ports 1-4 on the back of
your modem.
Configuration Shows how your Ethernet ports are set
Linked A check mark indicates that the
Ethernet port is connected.
Speed/Duplex If you are having problems establishing
your Ethernet connection, try setting the
Speed/Duplex value to match that of
the Ethernet NIC in your computer.
Setting Up a Static Routing
Do I need static routing?
Most users do not need to set up static routes. The default route
used in your modem will forward all packets correctly. However, if
you set up your network with different subnets, you can use static
routing to ensure your packets are handled correctly.
You can manually create a static route to tell the modem how to
reach a specific IP network. The route entry specifies a destination
network (or single host), together with a mask to indicate what
range of addresses the network covers, and a next-hop gateway
address or interface. If there is a choice of routes for a destination,
the route with the most specific mask is chosen.
To route to a destination that is not on any local network, a route
may be added via a gateway, for instance another router. The
gateway IP address must be on the same subnet as one of the
router's interfaces.