Changing HTTP and Telnet
This feature lets you change the default X6v ports for Internet and
Telnet traffic. If, for example, you are running another Internet
server on the network and that server is using Port 80, you need to
assign a different port to the X6v to avoid a conflict.
To assign Internet (HTTP) or Telnet ports, on the Router Setup
page click Port Settings:
Setting Description
HTTP Port Enter a port number. (The default is 80.)
Telnet Port Enter a port number. (The default is 23.)
Click Save Changes and then Write Settings to Flash to save the
new port settings to permanent memory. Reboot your PC to make
the settings active.
When the new port settings are saved, network users who want to
access the X6v via the Internet must add a colon [ : ] plus the new
port number after the X6v’s IP address. For example, in their
browser’s address bar, users would enter, where
61101 is the new Internet port.
To access the X6v via Telnet, users would type
telnet[space][space]61102, where 61102 is the new
Chapter 6: Using Router Setup