Note that on the QoS screen, Port 1 is the Ethernet port labeled
ETHERNET 1 on the X6v back panel. Port 2 is ETHERNET 2,
and so forth.
Setting Description
Do you want to
turn on QoS . . . .?
If you click YES to assign priorities to
the X6v’s VoIP, ETHERNET and
wireless ports, by default VoIP and
ETHERNET port 1 are set to High
Priority, ETHERNET port 2 is set to
Medium Priority, and ETHERNET
ports 3 and 4 as well as the wireless port
are set to Standard priority. These
default settings can be changed.
The default is NO.
Which ports
should be High
Select one to three ports. By default,
these ports will together share 70% of
the upstream bandwidth. You can
configure a different percentage on the
Advanced QoS page. (See page
ADSL X6v User Guide