Description of Controls
74 X2 Reference Manual
Note that even if the 1-2 button is pressed, no signal will go from the channel to Group 1 if
the Channel PAN knob is turned hard right.
Channel L-R Button
The L-R button routes the channel’s signal to the Master L-R FADERS, depending
on the setting of the Channel PAN knob. This switch is normally pressed for final
mixdown, or if the entire channel is being used for monitoring.
Channel Fader
This linear 100mm slide fader varies the level feeding the Channel PAN control and
Group Assign switches, Aux Sends 5/7 and 6/8, and Aux 3-4 if they are in the post-
channel position (AUX SOURCE switch up). The fader is set for unity gain (level in
= level out) when it is set at the “0 dB” level. When the fader is raised to its
maximum, there is 10 dB of gain added to the signal.
Aux Master Controls
Aux Send Levels
The eight knobs in the Aux Masters section provide the last overall level control for
the Aux Send mixes. They get their signal from the individual Aux Send level
controls in the console. The signal then goes to the respective AUX SEND jacks on
the back panel (Aux 1 and 2 are also routed to the AUX 1-2 switch as in the Control
Room and Studio sections beneath). Adjust the Aux Masters for the correct level
feeding your external effects device or cue amplifier. The nominal (unity gain)
setting for these controls is approximately “2 o’clock.”
AFL (After-Fader-Listen) Buttons
The eight AFL buttons next to each Aux Master knobs let you solo any of the Aux
Sends’ mixes in the Control Room. The master SOLO LED will light in the Master
module section, to alert you that Solo is active. You can adjust the output level of
the signal(s) being soloed by turning the SOLO knob in the Master module section.
MUTE Buttons
The MUTE button completely disconnects the Aux Master’s signal from the Aux
Send’s output. When pressed, the MUTE button’s LED will light. This can be
controlled via the Dynamic Mute Automation system, which gives it other functions
as well (see Chapter 5).
Stereo Aux Return Controls
The Aux Return LEVEL knob controls how much signal from the stereo Aux Return