Guided Tour
X2 Reference Manual 15
Aux Send/Return Systems
In the center of each channel module is the Aux Sends section, which allows the
signal to be routed to outboard signal processing equipment or to feed a headphone
amplifier. The first two sends (Aux 1-2) are Pre-Fader, meaning that the signal level
is independent of the channel’s fader. These are ideal for headphone mixing of tape
tracks for the musicians in the studio. Aux 3 through 8 are post fader, ideal for
routing signals to reverb and other effects devices. Aux Sends 3-4 and 5-6 can be
reassigned to Aux 7-8, using the 7/8 switch between either pair of knobs. You can
route either the Channel’s signal or the Monitor’s signal to Aux Sends 1 through 4,
by using the AUX SOURCE switch. In the Master module you’ll find master level
controls for all 8 Aux Sends, along with individual SOLO and MUTE buttons.
The Aux Returns, found at the top of the Group section, are designed for routing the
signals back from signal processing equipment. Aux Returns can be thought of as
input channels without microphone inputs. They have most of the same routing
capabilities of a channel. Each of the four Group modules provides two stereo
returns with PEAK LEDs and controls for Hi & Lo EQ, Stereo Separation and
Balance, SOLO and MUTE buttons, and output routing. Additionally, you can route
each return to Aux 1-2 if you want your headphone mix to include the effects
If you are using a MIDI system with several keyboards, each with stereo signals,
you can alternatively use the Aux Returns as additional line inputs. This is
especially useful for keyboards that provide their own on-board signal processing,
and therefore do not need to be routed to the other Aux Sends.