Connecting the X2
34 X2 Reference Manual
cables from the phono jack outputs to the 1/4" EXT IN jacks of the X2.
• If the mixdown deck has only XLR outputs, make or purchase an adapter
from XLR-to-phone plug, with pin 1 connected to the sleeve and either pin 2
or 3 connected to the tip. Check with the manual of your mixdown deck to
see if unbalanced operation is allowed, and if so, whether the other pin
should be left disconnected or grounded.
Interfacing to the Control Room
The X2’s CONTROL ROOM Outputs Left and Right are connected to the Inputs of
the amplifier used for the control room monitor speakers. The CONTROL ROOM
knob on the X2 controls the level of the control room monitor speakers.
Note: These jacks are also TRS balanced. You may use unbalanced 2-conductor
cables if the power amp doesn’t have balanced inputs. If the amp features XLR
inputs, use a TRS 3-conductor-to-XLR-M cable.
Interfacing to the Studio
The X2’s STUDIO Outputs Left and Right are connected to the inputs of the
amplifier used for the studio monitor speakers (i.e. where the musicians are), or
may be connected to their headphone amplifier. The STUDIO knob on the X2
controls the level of the studio monitor speakers. The CONTROL ROOM and AUX
1-2 buttons below the STUDIO knob determine what appears at the STUDIO
Outputs; the same audio as the CONTROL ROOM Outputs, or the Aux Sends 1 & 2
Outputs (cue mix).
Alternatively, if you don’t need a headphone mix, the STUDIO OUTS may be used
for a second set of Control Room monitors.
Interfacing to the Headphone Amp
There are two different sets of Aux Sends on the X2. Aux 1 and 2, which are derived
before the Channel FADER, are used primarily for setting up a separate cue mix for
musicians to overdub to while listening to headphones. Connect the Aux 1 and 2
Outputs (AUX 1, AUX 2) to the Alesis Micro Cue Amp or other suitable headphone
amplifier, if you are using the STUDIO OUTS for this purpose.
Interfacing Aux Sends and Returns to Outboard Effects
Aux Sends 3 through 8 are derived post-fader, which means that any changes in
level in the fader will also cause a change in level at these Aux Sends as well. These
Sends can be used as “Effects Sends” and connected to whatever outboard effects
that are desired (reverbs, chorus, multi-effects processors, delays) to be blended into
the mix.
Before you connect the Aux Sends, consider where you want the signals to come
• All Auxes can receive signal from the channel if desired.
• Alternatively, Auxes 3 and 4 can receive signal from the Monitor.
• Auxes 7 and 8 can receive signal from the Channel and Monitor