More Resources
If you still have additional questions about how to use the VidaBox™ media center,
you can visit the address/URL above to get more help in one of the following ways.
Interactive Forum
Very often, other users will be asking the same questions you’re asking – that’s what
our interactive forum was built for.
Visit our forum at the address/URL above. You can browse through, or search
through questions and issues not covered in these manuals.
If you have a specific question, use the Search function of the forum, as shown above.
Type in what you want an answer for, and chances are – it’ll be there! This is the
fastest way to get an answer.
If you can’t find an answer to what you’re looking for, you can always post your
question on the forum! By doing so, others in the VidaBox™ user community may be
able to get back to you quickly with the answers you need. In addition, future visitors
will be able to see your question and possibly benefit from your experience. This is, by
far, the best way to get technical support.