Advanced Features – How Do I…
This section will cover the rest of the features available on the VidaBox™. Unlike the
basic features, these features may not be readily apparent when you first use the
Please take some time to review this section to get the most out of your VidaBox™!
Same as before, all of these features can be accessed starting from the Media Center
Menu by pressing the Start Button, as shown on the left.
See a Slideshow with Music?
1. From the Media Center Start Menu, go to My Music, My Videos, Radio, or My
TV, and start playing the song or video you would like to have in the background
during the slideshow.
2. Hit the Start button, and then go to My Pictures. Select the pictures you want to
view, and select Play Slideshow.
3. The slideshow will start, while the previously chosen music will continue playing.
Edit/Touch-up My Digital Photos?
1. From the Media Center
Start Menu, go to
Pictures + Videos,
select Picture Library,
and then select the
photo that you want to
edit or touch-up.
2. Hit the More button on
your remote, and an
options menu will
appear. Select Picture
3. The Picture Details
menu, as shown above,
will appear. Here, you can choose to Rotate, Print, Touch Up, even delete the
picture. After rotating your picture, choose Touch Up & fine-tune your picture.
4. The Touch Up menu will appear, as shown on the left. From here, you can apply
Red Eye and Contrast adjustments or Crop your picture. Hit Save when you
have finished.
The Start Button –
Microsoft Remote
The Start Button –
Harmony® Remote
Picture Details
Touch Up
Menu Options