
Integra 1540, 1000, 0640, 0440, 0340, 0240 Issue 1 04/03
Support for Metasys Integration
Johnson Control Systems
System House, Randalls Research Park,
Randalls Way, Leatherhead,
Surrey, KT22 7TS
Support for Crompton Integra operation
This is available via local sales and service centre.
Design considerations
When integrating the Crompton equipment into a Metasys Network, keep the following
considerations in mind.
Make sure all Crompton equipment is set up, started and running properly before attempting
to integrate with the Metasys Network.
A maximum of 32 devices can be connected to any one NCM N2 Bus.
Vendor Address 1-247 (Limited by co-resident Modbus protocol)
Port Set-up
Baud Rate 9600
Duplex Full
Word Length 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Interface RS485