logo Output Bottom (A1ob or A2ob)
This is the value of output that will be reached when the measured electrical parameter is at the
reading bottom value.
Example: 0mA Summary
In the above example, the analogue output will be 0 mA when the average voltage is 95 volts,
5 mA at 115 volts and 10 mA at 135 volts.
3.15.3 Power Factor
When analogue output current is used to represent power factor, it can indicate the power factor
for an inductive or capacitive load on imported or exported power. This can be shown in two
dimensions as follows:
The polarity of the power factor reading indicates the direction of power flow:
Positive PF relates to imported power
Negative PF relates exported power.
This assumes that the unit is connected for a predominantly ‘import’ application. See Installation
sheet for further details.
Integra 1540, 1000, 0640, 0440, 0340, 0240 Issue 1 04/03