
2.13 Active Energy (kWh)
This is the energy that has been consumed since the unit was last reset (see Section 3.9 Resets).
Active Energy (kWh)
7 digit reading i.e. 0001243.
Key >> moves to next screen.
2.14 Reactive Energy (kVArh)
This is the reactive energy that has been consumed since the unit was last reset (see Section 3.9
Resets). The reading shows the energy (kVArh) in the reactive component of the supply.
Reactive Energy (kVArh)
7 digit reading i.e. 0000102
Key >> moves to next screen.
Integra 1540, 1000, 0640, 0440, 0340, 0240 Issue 1 04/03
0240 0340 0440 0640 1000 1540
0240 0340 0440 0640 1000 1540