PTC Model III, Rotary Selector Installation Instructions and User Manual, Rev 8/03 - Page 8
Changing the Momentum and Maximum Speed Settings.
The controller comes preset with speed set at "medium" (switch
#1 on, #2 off) and no momentum (switches #3 and #4 set to off).
The range of speed for the PTC is about 0.3 RPM on "X-Slow"
to about 1 RPM on "Fast".
To change these settings, locate configuration switches #1
through #4 on the bottom of the controller. Modify the position
of the individual switches to get the desired momentum and
maximum speed:
Important! Switches #6 and #7 are factory set, do not
change them.
Notes on setting speed and momentum:
• Momentum is not available if you set the Speed to the X-
SLOW setting. In this case, the Momentum settings will
have no effect.
• The Speed settings effect both the indexing speed and the
controller's normal operating speed. ◆Tip: You can use a
slower speed for programming, and a different speed for
normal operation.
• The changes you make in these settings will take effect the
next time the controller starts a bridge move. It is not
necessary to turn the power off for your new settings to take
Using the Automatic Track Power Reversing Feature.
The purpose of the Automatic Track Power Reversing ("ATPR")
feature is to eliminate the need to use a split ring rail, split
commutator, or DPDT switch to reverse the track power during
The ATPR works by remembering where your starting (index)
point is, and then automatically reversing the bridge track power
whenever the head end moves more than 90 degrees either
direction from that point. Refer to Figure 4, below:
If you have the automatic Track Power Reversing Feature and
want to turn it off for any reason, turn configuration switch #5,
"TP Enable" to the OFF (disable) position. In this setting, the
Controller will still provide power to the bridge rails, but it will
not reverse it. The change will take effect the next time the
controller does a bridge move.
The PTC Model III Controller has been enhanced to provide the
user with more feedback, so corrective action can be taken if the
controller detects that something is wrong.
All feedback is provided by the Status Indicator by use of
different combinations of colors and flash patterns. Note that
the meaning of the different indications depend on if you
currently have the controller in RUN or LEARN modes. Refer to
the table below for a brief description of the different indications
and their meanings:
LEARN Mode LED Flash Pattern Summary:
( Y ) Normal power-on, controller ready for
Y-Y- ,... Normal bridge "learn" move in progress.
( R ) or ( G ) When "single stepping" at the end of a bridge
learn move, the indicator will alternate
between ( R ) and ( G ) as you take each step.
G-G- ,... New track selection detected: For Rotary
Track Selectors, this means you have turned
the selector to the new location you wish to
program. For Pushbutton Track Selectors,
this means you have pushed the button
indicating the new location you wish to
program. Note: For Pushbutton Selectors,
continue pressing the pushbutton until the
Controller indicator flashes red (see below).
R-R- ,... The controller has confirmed the new track
selected and is programming it into memory.
Switch X-Slow Slow Med Fast
1 Max Speed A Off Off On On
2 Max Speed B Off On Off On
None Short Med Long
3 Momentum A Off Off On On
4 Momentum B Off On Off On
5 TP Enable On = Enable Off = Disable
Mode1 Mode2 Mode3 Mode4
6 Factory A Off Off On On
7 Factory B Off On Off On
8 Run/Learn On = Run Off = Learn
Lead Track
When the
head end is
located on
this side of
the pit, power
will be