Page 22 © 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology
Various text formang
Recording resultsInstrucons
This very short tutorial introduces this simple, innovave applicaon and deals with the process of spling the
TI-Nspire documents may be readily shared with others, so
teachers can prepare and then distribute documents that are
a type of electronic worksheet. The Notes applicaon allows
documents to include:
• text instrucons for the user
• space for the user to document their own
mathemacal acvies
• a means of teacher-student and student-student
Open a document that you created previously.
Open a new page for notes in that document by pressing c and then selecng .
Alternavely a Notes page can be added by pressing /~6 or by pressing (¿).
Enter some text using the alphanumeric keys. For upper case leers use the shi key, g.