© 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology Page 11
e is oen used to move to and
highlight dierent parts of the screen
Name of Document
Total number of pages in the problem
Number or Name of the Problem
If the handheld has been used previously you will see a dialog
box asking you if you want to save the document that is
currently open. Unless you want to save your previous work
press e or ¢ to move the highlight to No. To conrm this
choice press ·.
When the document opens you may see a screen similar
to the one shown on the le. For the moment, please do
not follow the instrucons on the screen just yet! Connue
working through this tutorial, which will introduce you to
many of the key features of the TI-Nspire document model.
Among these key features are useful and easy ways to
navigate through documents. For example, pressing / ¢ will
take you to the next page in a document. Similarly, pressing
/¡ returns you to the previous page. Pressing /£ will
take you to the Page Sorter which enables you to move
quickly and easily through the pages of a document.
Noce the informaon typically provided on the Page Sorter:
A TI-Nspire document can consist of mulple problems and each problem can consist of mulple pages.
For example, the document shown here consists of at least two problems, with 5 and 9 pages respecvely.