
© 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology Page 15
NB mulplicaon
and division.
What do you expect the result
of this calculaon to be?
At the heart of TI-Nspire is the Calculator applicaon, the workspace for numeric and algebra operaons.
This tutorial introduces some of the key features of the applicaon, starng with a new blank document.
This document will be saved, used again and added to in subsequent tutorials
First create a new blank document by pressing c and
choosing opon  from the Home Screen.
To open a page which uses the calculator applicaon:
press 1 or · or x.
Try keying in and entering expressions using the four basic arithmec operaons, square roots, negaves etc.
Look carefully at how the expressions as well as the results appear on the screen, in order to understand the
convenons the handheld uses with its default sengs.
Noce that in many cases the layout of the expression changes when · is pressed—in parcular watch how
the mulplicaon and division operaons are handled.
Try typing a lengthy expression and, before pressing ·, see the eect of using . and then /..