Teledyne API Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651 Computer Interface, Commands, and Data Collection
07506C DCN6727 73
Table 8-1
Signal Connections for RS-232 Configurations
Pin Number RS-232 Signal
2 RXD (Input to Model 651)
3 TXD (Output from Model 651)
An external computer can be connected to the Serial or USB ports
for basic instrument communications.
Communications Parameters
All serial communications with the Model 651 are accomplished
using the following communications parameters:
Baud Rate: 115,200
Bits/Character: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: None
All data communications are performed through ASCII-based
character codes.
All multi-field responses are comma separated values (CSV).
All input commands and output responses are terminated with a
carriage return.
All input line feeds are ignored.
Terminal Communications
When you have made a Serial or USB connection between the
Model 651 and host computer, you can use a terminal emulation
program to communicate with the Model 651. You can choose from
the following terminal emulation programs:
Tera Term—a free terminal emulator for Microsoft Windows
operating systems.
HyperTerminal—included with most Microsoft Windows
operating systems.
You should set up the terminal emulation software so that
incoming carriage returns are translated into carriage return line
feed sequences and therefore do not overwrite the previous line of
data. Also, consider enabling local echoing of characters so that
data typed on the keyboard is displayed on the screen.
When the terminal emulation software is connected and running, if
you press the Enter key you will see an ERROR response from the