APPENDIX A Firmware Commands Teledyne API Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651
A-12 07506C DCN6727
SET Commands
Set commands are used to set instrument parameters and data
collection modes. You will use the Set Mode (SM) command to
control data collection.
SM – Set Mode
SM is used to set the data collection mode and the sample interval.
At the end of each sample interval, the data are reported and, if in a
continuous mode, the data are cleared internally and the next
sample is started. The four available modes are shown in the list
0 Idle. No data collection.
1 Continuously collects data and reports data (“D” record) at end of
every sample interval.
2 Continuously collects data and reports data (“S” record) at end of
every sample interval.
3 Continuously collects data and reports data (“D” record) at end of
every sample interval. Concatenates “S” record to the “D” record.
Command SM,n,tttt n = mode (0,1,2,3)
ttttt – sample interval in 1/10 of a second
Response OK Response issued after parameters changed.
Command SM,1,60
Continuous data collection (response mode 1) at
6-second sample intervals.
Response OK
Command SM Parameters not changed.
Response 1,60
Continuous data collection (response mode 1) at
6-second sample intervals.
Note: To stop data collection, enter SM,0 in the Firmware Command