Computer Interface, Commands, and Data Collection Teledyne API Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651
72 07506C DCN6727
USB communications are available with the Model 651. USB driver
software must be installed on the host computer. For Windows
operating systems the drivers may be downloaded from the USB
chip manufacturer’s site at:
To install the USB driver, follow these instructions:
1. Find the appropriate driver for the host computer’s operating
2. Download the driver to the host computer.
3. Extract (unzip) the driver to a blank folder.
4. Connect the computer to the Model 651 USB port.
5. Follow the Add New Hardware wizard steps and browse to the
folder containing the extracted driver. If the wizard does not
start, use the Add Hardware function on the Control Panel.
When the USB driver is loaded, the operating system recognizes the
Model 651 as a new serial device. In Microsoft
system this is a new port (such as COM2 or COM6). If it is not
obvious which COM port is being used, you can check in the
computer’s Device Manager. To check which COM port is being
used, follow these instructions:
1. Open the Control Panel and choose System.
2. In the System Properties dialog box, choose the Hardware tab and
then click Device Manager.
3. In the Device Manager dialog box, click the + sign next to Ports
(COM & LPT). The USB Serial Port indicates in parenthesis
which COM port is being used.
Connect the supplied USB cable between the Model 651 USB port
and a computer running the Windows
-based operating system
RS-232 Serial Communications
The communications port is configured at the factory to work with
RS-232-type devices. RS-232
is a popular communications
standard supported by many computers. The Model 651 has one 9-
pin, D-type subminiature connector on the back panel (labeled
Serial). Table 8-1 lists the signal connections.
Note: This pin configuration is compatible with standard IBM
serial cables.
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