Frequently Asked Questions Model 360E Instruction Manual
A: These components are located inside the flow control assembly that is attached to the inlet side of the
sample pump, see Figure 3-3. See Section 11.6.1 for instructions on disassembly and replacement.
Q: How do I set up a SEQUENCE to run a nightly calibration check?
A: The setup of this option is located in Section 7.6.
Q: How do I set the analog output signal range and offset?
A: Instructions for this can be found in Section 6.13.4 which describes analog I/O configuration.
Q: What is the averaging time for an M360E?
A: The default averaging time, optimized for ambient pollution monitoring, is 150 seconds for stable
concentrations and 10 seconds for rapidly changing concentrations; See Section10.5.1 for more information.
However, it is adjustable over a range of 0.5 second to 200 seconds (please contact customer service for
more information).
4.2. Glossary
APICOM – Name of a remote control program offered by Teledyne-API to its customers
ASSY - acronym for Assembly
3 –
metric abbreviation for cubic centimeter. Same as the obsolete abbreviation “cc”.
Chemical formulas used in this document:
CO2 – carbon dioxide
H2O – water vapor
O2 - molecular oxygen
O3 - ozone
DAS - acronym for data acquisition system, the old acronym of iDAS.
DIAG - acronym for diagnostics, the diagnostic settings of the analyzer
DHCP: acronym for dynamic host configuration protocol. A protocol used by LAN or Internet servers to
automatically set up the interface protocols between themselves and any other addressable device connected to
the network.
DOC - Disk On Chip, the analyzer’s central storage area for analyzer firmware, configuration settings and data.
This is a solid state device without mechanically moving parts that acts as a computer hard disk drive under
DOS with disk label “C”. DOC chips come with 8 Mb in the E-series analyzer standard configuration but are
available in larger sizes.
DOS - Disk Operating System. The E-series analyzers uses DR DOS
EEPROM - also referred to as a FLASH chip.
FLASH - flash memory is non-volatile, solid-state memory.
GFC – Acronym for Gas Filter Correlation.
C bus - a clocked, bi-directional, serial bus for communication between individual analyzer components
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