CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Front- Panel Map -- Quick Access to Most Often Used Features
Push to turn the touch screen on and off. Page 3--129.
Use these buttons to start and stop acquisition or start a single
acquisition sequence. The ARM, READY, and TRIG’D lights
show the acquisition status. Page 3--82.
Push to make a hard copy. Page 3--277.
Push to automatically set up the vertical, horizontal, and trigger
controls based on selected channels. Page 3--17.
Push to return settings to default values. Page 3--18.
Turn channel displays on and off. Vertically scale or position the
waveform. Change the input termination (TDS7104 & TDS7054).
Page 3--8.
Horizontally scale, position, delay, and set record length
(resolution) of selected waveform. Page 3--23.
Turn knob to adjust waveform intensity. Page 3--53.
Push to turn cursors on or off. Page 3--160.
Turn the multipurpose knobs to adjust parameters selected from
the screen interface. Push a Fine button to toggle between
normal and fine adjustment with its multipurpose knob.
Page 3--165.
Push button to turn Fast Acquisition on or off (7000 Series only).
Page 3--47.
Use these knobs and buttons to set the trigger parameters. Push
ADVANCED to display additional trigger functions. Pages 3--71
and 3--88.
Push ZOOM to add a magnified graticule to the display. Push
HORIZ or VERT to select the axis to magnify. Page 3--131.